Who we need !

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Interested people should be reliable, motivated, in good physical condition, without prejudice, loving, empathetic and non-conflictual. They should also enjoy French cuisine, traveling, people and the world. You know that it's very important to be within a good bunch of people to handle all the work, therefore it should be a pleasure to go again and again at work till the end of vintage.

  • Experienced elders
  • Speaks or wants to speak French
  • They need money, students
  • Priority to the same ratio girls/boys
  • We do not accept couples (unless one of the pair already came)
  • We cannot afford people allergic or intolerant to gluten. Sorry, this issue makes it very hard to handle for the kitchen and its logistic
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    Wine Harvesting Vendanges

    Confirmed donation serves to insure your coming. In exchange, we sponsorise your transport, take care of the logistic and maintain cheap commodities onsite

    A cutter will receive (during 8-9 business days after deduction of accommodation, food and drink) about .....


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